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Port Entry Requirements

The POB is a Maritime Transportation Security Act facility regulated by Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 101 & 105 (Maritime Security General & Maritime Security Facilities), which is enforced by the U.S. Coast Guard. All persons seeking unescorted access into the Port of Beaumont (POB) must meet the following requirements:


  • Possess a valid Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC)

  • Must be on the port’s “Authorized Access List”

  • All vehicle drivers must present a valid state driver’s license and show proof of vehicle insurance

  • All vehicles must display a current state vehicle registration sticker


Persons seeking access into the POB’s secure-restricted area who do not possess a TWIC may only enter with a POB approved TWIC escort as a side-by-side companion.

Entry Requirements
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TWIC Escort Application

Neither concealed nor open carry of firearms, alcohol, controlled substances, or photography are permitted in the POB’s secure-restricted area. If you have any questions concerning these provisions, please contact the Port of Beaumont Port Police at 409-554-2020.


All persons granted unescorted access to secure-restricted areas of the POB must produce his or her TWIC upon request by U.S. Coast Guard or POB security personnel. Persons unable to produce a TWIC will be escorted off the facility and may be subject to criminal prosecution. The POB may, in its sole discretion, ban any person for any period of time for violation of federal laws or port rules and regulations. Those persons who violate access control procedures may be subject to arrest, prosecution and/or loss of port access privileges.


For a person to receive POB escort privileges, the employer must submit a TWIC Escort Application to the Port Security Department at TWIC escorting privileges are granted at the sole discretion of the POB for a period of time determined by the port.


The processing fee for a POB Escort TWIC is $25 through company check or cashier’s check made out to The Port of Beaumont. The port reserves the right to deny granting privileges or to suspend, revoke or deny renewal of escorting privileges previously granted.

TWIC Escort Form
Security Notice
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Do your part for security

Present a valid TWIC/ID at entry points

Submit to random vehicle screening when requested

Obey posted signs and requirements

Report suspicious activity to Port Authority Police at


Security Contact info
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Security Contact Info

For questions or concerns, please contact us at:


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Drone Flight Request

Any person requesting UAS flights over the Port of Beaumont must adhere to the requirements in the UAS Policy and submit the authorized flight plan 72 hours in advance of the flight. 

(Contact information for document submission is

located on the below forms.)

Drone Request
Security Complaint Form

Security Complaint Form

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